Sri.Gangasingh ji Maharaja

Sri.Gangasingh ji Maharaja

Sri Gangasingh Maharaja

Sri Gangasingh Maharaja

Monday, April 16, 2007

Gang Canal Project

Gang Canal is one of the oldest irrigation systems in Rajasthan, completed in the year 1928, to serve the north-western part of Ganganagar District.

Gang Canal starts from Sutlej river near Harike, downstream of the confluence of River Beas, in Punjab, and conveys into Rajasthan some 1,780 Mm3/yr, serving an area of 308 kha. The length of the Feeder Canal, from Harike to Rajasthan border, is 112 km. The headworks discharge capacity of the Canal is 77 m3/sec. The total length of the Canal system, including the feeder canal is 1,363 km. The canal was originally lined with lime concrete, but with the passage of time the lining has deteriorated, and at present a modernisation program is in progress to improve the utilisation of the available water.